Thursday, February 1, 2007

2nd day activities

In second day in Malang City the two brothers Kim, Dong Woo and Kim, Dong Yun went to look around Malang City. The first place was Taman Krida Budaya. This place is to show the traditional arts from Java. even thought it was closed. They can took a picture in front of the Betarakala statue and gapura.

After that all of us went to the Taman Rekreasi Kota (Tarekot). We saw many kind of animals species. First we looked many birds, and than looked the deer, flying fox, monkey, porcupine, kakatua, eagle, peacock, and the others.

In this place there was one funny experience and would never forget it when Dong Woo ate bakso (meat ball) with much chilly, he was surprised and shocked because it was very hot! But very delicious too, and both of them like to eat bakso.

Third place we visited was Tugu Town square. We just saw the Tugu Monument and took some pictures. Then we went to SMA 4 Malang, meeting the headmaster of that school Mr R. Mudjono Soediono, S.Pd. and go around to that place, watching the class, trophy, etc. In front of SMA 4 Malang, the two brothers want to eat bakso again but in complete one and of course not really hot taste and they like it very much.

Senaputra was the last place we visited. We saw the broadcasting place and look the broadcaster that used Java language. After that we went back to SMP 18 Malang.

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