Thursday, February 1, 2007

Eragon by Kim Dong Yun

Movie is good ...but, story is very short..Novel is very long, but Movie is very very short.Movie story so fast and i don't understand that story well..but graphic is good.I want see a movie 'Eragon' with you.
Home stay..We go to Lingga's home.His home is very clean, and familly is very kind.In the morning, we ate 'pecel'. 'pecel' is traditional food from Java.'pecel' is delicious and little spicy.
Me and Lingga ride a motor bike.Lingga has one motor bike and he ride motor bike JL.Soekarno-Hatta I start ride motor bike.motor bike is ...little hard but after i flow it is more easy.I'm happy to ride motor bike. because ride motor bike first time.
In the school, my notebook has been crash, and then it become better and normal again after i hit my notebook several time